Please take a couple seconds to fill out this dumb, useless survey that was only put here to enlarge the egos of the team members. Thank You

1. Real name, nickname, or name that has stuck with you since being laughed at in the highschool changeroom:

2. Location:

3. Male or Female?

4. How old are you?
18 & Under
19 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45

5. Are you single?
No, I'm Happily Married
No, I'm Unhappily Married
Technically I'm Married, But I'd Risk It To Get With One of These Sexy Gods!!

6. Are you willing to cheerlead nude at a Warthog hockey game knowing that you will only be paid with a handshake and possibly a beer on Rob Ogoreks bar tab?
Yes, But I Don't Need The Handshake

7. After viewing the profiles of the team, which players on the team are the most attractive?

Matt Awad Ryan Booker Mike Buziak Trevor Drummond
Anthony Edwards Jason Grant Jay Hicks Lee Hodgson
Mike Jackson Greg Lalonde Dave McNabb Jeff McNabb
Scott Mills Sean Nicholson Rob Ogorek Chris Rennie
Kurt Stroud

8. Judging strictly by the pictures, in your opinion which hockey player looks like he has spent the most amount of time in jail?

9. In reference to question #6, what, in your opinion, was this person charged with?

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Assault & Battery
Sheep Cloning for Personal Use
Mopery (Exposing Himself to a Blind Person)

10. Do hockey players truly benefit from growing a mullet?
Yes, mullets are sexy!
No, so settle down Rod Stewart!!

11. Do you currently have the urge to smear yourself in tapioca pudding and sing karaoke to Joan Jett songs?
Yes, you read my mind
No, I don't really like Joan Jett

If you have any comments for this team, this website, or about any new goal-scoring celebrations for Sean Nicholson, please fill it in below.

Thank you very much for participating with this questionnaire and we look forward to hearing your insults very soon.

Got something to say punk? Write us or laugh at our feedback by checking out our guestbook! We can also be reached at