THE WARTHOGS are a highly sucessful team in the extremely competive Brookside League "D" division. The Brookside league began as an alternative to other, more sucessfull beer leagues in the city of London. The league's emphasis has been put on drinking beer and playing hockey, as chicks dig guys who drink beer and play hockey.

THE WARTHOGS are a throw-back to the era of old-time hockey. An era where men were not afraid to "put on the foil", drop the gloves to fight a girl, and neckguards were cool. THE WARTHOGS entered the Brookside League in 1998 under the name Herm's Sports Exchange. The team completed its innagural season by winning the Brookside "D" division championship and establishing themselves as a presence among the elite teams in the league. The team won thanks to a "phantom" goal by Anthony Edwards. Eventhough he was not officially given credit for this goal, and no one saw him score it, to this day if you ask Anthony if he scored that goal, he will look you straight in the eye and say "You sonuvabeach, I know in my heart, I scored the goal!"

Over the years, the team has continued to enjoy success. THE WARTHOGS have made the playoffs in every year of the team's exsitence in the Brookside League's "D" division1. Although the team has failed to win a championship since its innagural season, the second year saw the team make it to the finals again, only to loose in overtime. The team aquired new sponsorship2 after the completion of its second season. This resulted in the team's name being changed to Warthogs.

THE WARTHOGS have also competed in numerous hockey tournaments in Windsor, Ontario. Just recently the team picked up its very first tournament win. The team members were not "detained" in any way, and having cleaned up the sidewalk the previous night, managed to make it to the game. With this win, the team was able to make it to the tournament final and had a chance to win its first tournament. Unfortunately, this did not happen. The team placed second and each member was awarded with a lovely hat. These hats were much nicer than the sweaters that the winners received. The Windsor tournaments have also resulted in a "love connection" of sorts. One night, after returning home from the bar, two of the team members were found in bed together, wearing nothing but smiles.

If you find yourself sitting around the house on a Wednesday night wondering, "Hey what am I going to do?" Then load the family into the station wagon and head on down to Brookside Arena and watch THE WARTHOGS attempt to play hockey. It's guaranteed fun for the entire family, especially if Sean Nicholson scores!

1  All teams in the Brookside League's "D" Division make the playoffs, regardless of the team's record.

2 The teams sponsor has subsequently gone "tits up" , and will not be given any promotional plugs.